CJS Conveyance is committed to providing responsive water and wastewater engineering services to public and private clients across the region. We offer turn-key services from evaluation and assessment through design, permitting, bidding, and construction. Our experience spans a wide range of projects, from small-scale hydrant additions to multi-mile urban gravity and pressure pipelines ranging from 1.5 inches to 96 inches. We also offer engineering services for water booster stations, potable and raw water wells, low-pressure sewer systems, elevated and ground storage tanks, sewer lift stations and force mains, screening and headworks, and control valve systems.
At CJS Conveyance we have a wealth of experience in the evaluation, design, and construction of water distribution and transmission systems.
We offer a comprehensive suite of engineering services tailored to your water infrastructure needs, including designing on-site water distribution systems, elevated or ground storage tanks, offsite water main extensions, and booster pump stations. Our expertise spans a wide range of projects, from small diameter water mains to 42-inch water transmission mains. We have also successfully designed various styles of elevated tanks with storage volumes ranging from 250,000 gallons to 3.0 million gallons. Additionally, our portfolio includes booster pumping station designs, accommodating capacities from 300 gpm duplex stations to 5.0 MGD stations equipped with multiple duty pumps.
From small to large-scale projects, you can trust CJS Conveyance to deliver comprehensive engineering services for efficient and effective water infrastructure projects.

- Master planning and engineering studies
- Water main replacement and trenchless rehabilitation
- Water main extensions for transmission and distribution
- Booster pump station assessment and design
- Elevated and ground storage tank sizing and design
- Master meter systems and control valves
- Potable groundwater well systems
- Hydraulic modeling
- Water hammer/transient surge analysis and control
- Trenchless crossings for railroads, highways, and wetland/surface waters
Our team specializes in the evaluation, design, and construction of wastewater collection and conveyance systems.
We have a proven track record in engineering wastewater collection systems for residential, commercial, and industrial developments, as well as larger systems for local governments across North Carolina. We have planned, designed, and permitted gravity sewers ranging from small service line extensions to 96-inch interceptors. We have designed sanitary sewer pump stations ranging in firm capacity from 100 gpm to 9 MGD, with force main designs ranging in diameter from 4 to 36 inches. Pump station style designs include wet submersible, vacuum primed, self-priming, dry pit/wet pit, and vertical turbine with pumps operating in independently or in parallel. Our pump station design experience also includes odor control facilities and screening. Our team brings a wealth of expertise in construction methods, pipe materials, trenchless installation techniques, and permitting of complex projects.
Regardless of the size, material, or location, our expertise will allow us to provide you with the appropriate solutions for your wastewater infrastructure needs.

- Wastewater collection system evaluations
- Sewershed and basin studies
- Gravity sewer design including large diameter interceptors
- Wastewater conveyance systems – pump stations and force mains
- Low-pressure system designs – grinder and septic tank effluent pump (STEP) systems and low-pressure sewer mains
- Air release valving distribution and sizing
- Water hammer/transient surge analysis and control
- Gravity and pressure sewer system hydraulic modeling
- Trenchless crossings for railroads, highways and wetlands/surface waters
- Trenchless rehabiliation including CIPP, slip-lining, centrifugally cast coatings, and pipe bursting.
- Fine screening and grit removal
We help our clients leverage the full potential of reuse systems, paving the way for sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
Both public and private sector clients are finding a need for reuse systems now more than ever as they strive to reduce potable water consumption, maintain wastewater direct discharge permits with nutrient loading limits, and establish goals for implementing beneficial reuse and green systems. Our project team has been designing reuse storage, distribution, and dispersal systems for more than a decade. We have prepared reuse master plans and designs of reuse elevated storage and distribution systems for multiple clients in North Carolina. These projects have included hydraulic modeling, alternative analysis, cost analysis, and development of schematic designs at the preliminary planning stage. Many of these evaluations have resulted in design of multi-phased reuse system designs. Our engineers have designed reuse mains of various diameter and up to 20-inch diameter with over 20 miles of reuse main in North Carolina.
Our team is well-equipped to help you address the need for sustainable water solutions and harness the benefits of reuse systems.

- Reuse master planning
- Reuse distribution system design
- Elevated storage
- Spray field design
- Booster pump station design
- Hydraulic modeling
- Trenchless design